Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July Mash-Up

Ehsan Azad

Fourth of July Mash-Up

                So it has been awhile since I last updated my blog, and I know you are all just dying to hear my thought on the world of sports. Ok, maybe not, but I am still going to tell you because a lot has happened since I last wrote.  So since today is a holiday, I thought it was time for another mash up.
·         The Dwightmare is almost over as he begins to announce his decision on Friday. I personally can’t wait until this is over. I just know he will take that extra 30 million that the Lakers are offering and try to make it work with Dantoni and Kobe. If he comes to the Mavs, Great, but I am not going to get my hopes up. Honestly, I rather have LA get him than the Rockets, because as you may know, Houston sucks. Plus, we can focus on Lebron coming here next year, am I right?

·         The last time I wrote, Aaron Hernandez was looking to be the starting tight end going into training camp with Gronk recovering from injury. Now, he is the starting wide out in a Boston area prison.  So apparently, Hernandez is some thug from Florida that has an anger problem, kills two people and kills his close friend for supposedly ratting on him. All of this is alleged and he is innocent until proven guilty, but damn the evidence is sure piling up against him. Seriously, Hernandez, if you are going to delete the video at your house, delete the part where you are holding a gun and saying you can trust people.  But, it doesn’t matter, because this was all in God’s plan. God wanted Gronk hurt, Hernandez to become a killer, and then Tebow will become the starting tight end. True story.

·         The Rangers have rebounded from their abysmal June and have reclaimed first place. They still need a trade for a big time hitter, because their offense is still dragging around. It’s embarrassing to only score 2 runs at the ballpark where you have a jet stream. Maybe their July will give us a hitter than can actually hit the ball.

·         Cowboys training camp is coming up soon and I cant wait. Best time of the year because it means football is almost here. Time for my early pre training camp prediction, Cowboys will go 18-0 into the Super Bowl and Romo will throw a last second pick to seal the doom for the Boys. Or not. Maybe they go 0-16?

·         Quick reminders, the EA Sports Show will be back July 16th, don’t miss it. IF you want to hear previous episodes, tweet me at @easportsdfw  and ill give yall the links.

Everyone have a safe and fun fourth of July, and Dwight Howard please come to Dallas!

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